Lea Hytting Langgaard

Simple and sweet

In the middle of a lockdown I thought of positive things for this fictional event poster, and the choice landed on cake and my previous hometown Cairns. 

I love to start out with analog drawings and paintings, and to see how they translate into digital illustrations.

Please judge the book
by its cover

Made this book cover for one of my favourite books, with great attention to making the content shine through. Creating the illustration with the old technique letterpress compliments a book full of history and old traditions. The letterpress is a perfect tool when you love the perfect imperfections. 

Add some sugar

And a bit of motion to attract more attention. Bubble tea is super sweet, so that’s what this animated poster should be. This by the way,  is a fictional cafe, so you will get very disappointed if you go there expecting bubble tea.

A splash of grapes

A mix of digital and analog in a simple stile, to be the new label for a fictional Danish wine maker. 

In a nutshell

A different travel Magazine about Japan. A place I have visited many times, and forever longing to go back to. Japan has so many places to visit, and even when you go to the same destinations, you discover new exciting things every time. Theres I so many contrasts everywhere, they are so proper and yet so wacky, so serious and yet their delineators have hello kitty on them. I have gathered a lot of photos so this was a great opportunity to display a few of them. Trying to keep balance and contrast in both images and font, while taking advantage of the white space and orientation.


My take on an album cover for David Bowies Life On Mars. With the growing and variated title across the cover I have tried to visualise the monotome but intensifying rhythm. The circle illustrates both mars and the place to hide according to the lyrics.